Imani Hester

Imani Hester, MSW serves as the Restorative Practices Training and Partnerships Specialist for Restorative Practices @ Penn (RP@P).  Imani also serves as a Field Liaison for Advanced Macro Practice in School of Social Policy and Practice at the University of Pennsylvania.  In addition to her work at Penn, Imani is the Creator and CEO of Celebrate Yourself. Celebrate Yourself seeks to create awareness, space, and provide tools for individuals, groups, communities, and organizations to celebrate themselves with practices and routines that are grounded in radical self-love. She earned her degrees in Psychology (BA), Teaching (MAT), and Social Work (MSW) from Spelman College, Relay Graduate School of Education, and the University of Pennsylvania. As Imani seeks out balance and joy in her life, she spends time saying yes to jigsaw puzzles, superhero movies, line dancing, spin, writing, and long walks.