Restorative Supports At Penn

RP@P is housed within the Center for Community Standards and Accountability as an umbrella for the University’s Restorative Practices, which includes the Conflict Resolution and Mediation Program. RP@P represents a collective of campus partners working together to create a safe, healthy and productive campus community. 

RP@P supports proactive community building and education, as well as healing and accountability in the aftermath of harm, whether that harm is a violation of the code of student conduct, the code of sexual misconduct, or another form of harm not covered under any code on campus.

RP and Sexual Harm
RP and Student Conduct
Request a Process
In situations of interpersonal harm, RP@P can provide safe, confidential, supportive resources to help the harmed party access healing and support, and for the responsible party to work toward accountability and repair. Click here to request a private intake conversation in which we can explain our process and learn from you about what your needs are.