RP@P Trainings
Restorative Practices @ Penn can provide a suite of workshops and trainings for student groups, academic departments and programs, offices and teams, individual classes, and more. In addition to the options listed on this page, we can also create custom workshops to meet your individualized needs.
Available Trainings
Restorative Practices @ Penn as a Resource
This 30-minute introduction will introduce participants to the Restorative Practices @ Penn Program and how to access RP@P as a resource.
Restorative Practices 101
This four-hour workshop orients participants in the history and philosophy of Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices, and how they are being applied here at Penn.
Conflict Styles and Communication Skills
This 2-hour training will help participants identify their natural communication and conflict styles and their strengths and weaknesses in different personal and professional settings. We will practice how to intervene in difficult moments, and how to engage with people who may have crossed a line in their own communication.
Boundaries – A Restorative Practices Perspective
This 2–hour training help situate the setting and maintenance of personal and professional boundaries within the Restorative Practices framework.
Restorative Conflict and Communication Skills
This 2–4-hour training explores how to think about and respond to charged questions and difficult conversations, especially those rooted in personal or communal experiences of harm and bias.
How to Hold a Community Building Circle
This four-part workshop will prepare participants to lead basic community building Circles and will set participants up to dive deeper into Circle work.
Restorative Practices Facilitator Training
This 24-hour training prepares participants to begin exploring Restorative Facilitation. Focused on skill building, this workshop is highly interactive and requires consistent participation. After this workshop, participants can begin to co-facilitate RJ processes with a more experienced partner.
Request a Training
If you are interested in any of these training, please use the link below to submit a request to our team! We need a minimum of three weeks notice on all requests, and cannot accommodate all requests. We hope to have the chance to work with you soon,
Interested in becoming part of the RP@P Facilitator Team?
If you are a Penn employee and are interested in becoming part of the RP@P facilitator team, please indicated your interest in our free 24-hour Restorative Practices Facilitator Training. Held once every summer and winter, this workshop is limited to 15 participants per session and strives to bring together participants from across the campus.